Energy Crisis, Blackouts and Business Continuity Plans

Energy Crisis and Blackouts

From time to time, South Africa leads the way in innovation and preparation. As the world struggles to come to grips with rapidly rising energy costs, the shock and horror of projected electricity rationing and for businesses, how do they manage the related risks and update their Business Continuity Plans, a solution, a shining light (even without electricity) comes from the tip of Africa.

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A shocking storm has arrived

Through mismanagement, loss of skills, fraud, theft, State Capture, lack of action and planning, amongst other reasons … in other words a complete breakdown or is that meltdown has taken place, the State run power utility Eskom has been run into the ground and we have faced this energy rationing scenario for quite some time.

Being a resilient lot down in South Africa, the Private sector is doing all that they can to come up with solutions to this grave situation. We have developed an App that notifies us up front of the power outage schedule, “EskomSePush” (as to how the name was arrived at, well we won’t speculate on that one as it may involve some rather colourful language), we’ve named this practice  “Loadshedding” and it can be likened to an overly enthusiastic IT technician rebooting the grid without success … if only we had “Scotty” from “Star Trek”, he might find additional power to save us from this warped reality.

As for a longer term and more sustainable solutions we look to the sky and that bright yellow star.

Business Continuity Plans

Now what can you do about your Business Continuity Plan or BCP for short.

There was a post on LinkedIn by Matthew Cocks, Executive Director for both the Thembelihle Primary School and Angel’s Care Centre, located in Howick. Included below are a few extracts of that post.

South Africa nearly broke us this week…..rolling blackouts due to Stage 6 Load Shedding”

“But we are a resilient bunch, us SAFFAS, and, as they say,’n boer maak ‘n plan,’ as we setup the teaching classroom in our car using our UPS and Inverter, and chased coffee shops and open networks where the electricity was still on and free wifi was available. “

This made me think about a readily available … “vehicle” that could easily cover any number of aspects in your BCP, the solution to our risk mitigation strategy is literally sitting in the driveway or car park …. our car. If you are a large company, you may even have a fleet of mobile offices.

As some of you may be aware, not long ago my German Mobile Office was compressed by a truck, converting a 4 door into a 2 door. I’ve subsequently replaced it with a larger model, for added protection from these rampant trucks and truckers.

An added advantage it’s allowed an expansion in office space and a few optional extras (if only it was financially viable to add all of the optional extras). Now any number of countries supply these mobile offices, you could go for French flair, Swedish design and safety, the heritage of the UK, Italian passion and power, Japanese precision, American muscle, electric options destined for Mars, the list goes on. If we are going to be working on systems and processes, efficiency, practicality, getting the job done and having an uncluttered environment … we decided to go this route down the Autobahn … with “Vorsprung durch Technik” and Audi (Audi and the proximity to the word Audit and how it saved us, there was only one choice).

Rolling blackouts –? We are ready to roll.

So now let’s dig a bit deeper as to how the modern car fits so well into our BCP:

The Mobile Office

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Standard Features

Nationwide coverage …. mobile network in your area goes down, no problem, drive up and down the National Highways and find Wi-Fi enabled gas stations.

Prime location, wherever parking is available.

Need additional office space …. Not a problem, you can rent additional space …. called a caravan, they even have Caravan parks, much like office parks. You will be able to tap into the provided infrastructure.

Aircon and heating are standard. Pollen filters are also included.

Built in generator under the hood (just as expensive to run as the one at home) and if you’re feeling deflated you can always stop by the garage, for an uplifting experience. Watch out for any pressure warnings. For those unexpected surprises, shock absorbers are standard.

A battery is included as standard.

This big buzzword of automation, there have been automatic options for years. You can of course still choose a manual, there are many ways of changing gears for years, rather look to automate. Avoid a belt and braces approach, that “multi” option was not reliable.

Built in alarm system.

Surround sound is covered by the built-in speakers.

360-degree, panoramic views.

Can meet with clients on the go.

Drinks holders all around.

When the sun goes down, overhead LEDs provide illumination.

Value Added benefits

For historical trends and analysis there is a particularly useful Rear-view camera. For future projections and obstacles …. there is of-course the windscreen. If the future is looking hazy or murky, try the windscreen wipers. As for the remaining windows, well we would always recommend the latest version of Windows and for added security and protection go for the protective film option, this has the added advantage of keeping your computer screen shielded and your work confidential. Now as for bugs, they get splattered along the way.

Management Dashboard, big deal, we’ve had a dashboard for 100 years? Now we even give you a heads-up display of information. You have a clear view on the growth of your business as the accelerator smoothly progresses, just watch out for the pressure, you do not want to blow a gasket.

If a course correction is needed …. the steering wheel comes as standard.

Hands-free conference calls.

Dipsticks in the office …. We keep them under the hood.

If you are really confused about a decision, you can always try the “Demist”ify button. If it’s really foggy, try the fog lights, you do not want to croak.

In terms of keeping it clean, there is no need for squeegees, windscreen wipers made that role redundant long ago. Of course, if your business has run into a bit of muck and someone has tarnished your brand, try the driving through a car wash or heavy rain.

Agility … this is the very embodiment of being Agile, often to be seen in motion. This can only impress your line managers.

Office Health and Safety

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Heated seats …. possible, however if you’re driving a BMW, we hope that you have paid your subscription.

Worried about being blindsided .… go for the optional blindside assist option or utilise the 360-degree view.

Don’t want to bump into anyone unexpectedly …. not an issue we have pre- warning sensors, one does not need to make the incorrect type of impact.

Used to airbags in the office? We have you covered, with multiple airbags, which will no doubt make a big noise if disturbed. That said we can catalyse their thoughts and expel the hot air via the exhaust system.

Ergonomic seating is a given …. These have even been crash tested. That reminds us, the office has even been tested by dummies, providing a useful standardised safety rating.

In case of emergency …. state of the art brakes are provided as standard, use them.

If your sales campaign is struggling to gain traction, no problem, traction control can be added.

Seatbelts to hold people back if the meeting becomes a bit too heated.

Lane change/keep assist to make sure that you do not veer into someone else’s lane … avoiding those nasty inter-office political games.

Temperature gauge …. Useful for screening potential COVID cases and to ensure that no one is getting hot under the collar.

If you are in distress …. use the hazard lights.

Optional Extras

Wi-Fi and Connectivity options.

Need a sales hook …. select the towbar option.

Skylight …. Useful for Blue-sky thinking, sales and marketing will love it. (Apparently Microsoft word gives the meaning of Blue-sky thinking as follows “A visionary idea without practical application”, ouch that is harsh).

Long range fuel and water tanks, to extend the mileage and coverage of your BCP.

Satellite tracking, often a necessity in South Africa, for those of you who track your employees, you can track your office instead …. far more ethical.

Winch, for pulling yourself out of those tight situations.

Back-up power for your laptop …. optional Portable Power station sold separately and can easily be recharged on the old 12-volt outlet.

Watch Outs

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If your systems and processes are getting stuck …. make sure that you have the correct grade of oil.

Risk assessment …. we would definitely recommend an Advanced Accident Avoidance System, to scan for potential threats.

No need for deliveries, can use the drive through … watch out for healthy eating options. And as for NFC or tap to pay for the highway no need, the government deducts their cut automatically, via magic always on (why aren’t they load shed from time to time?) toll gantries …. watch out for stealth taxes.

Tax implications, have a Travel Allowance, a home office and now a mobile office …. there must some form of Tax implication in any country with Income Tax.

Make sure that you have sufficient and appropriate insurance, many others do not.

Tread carefully and stay within those legal limits.

Concerned about Bull markets, opt for a Bull Bar.

If you feel that you don’t have the appropriate work life balance, you can always be rebalanced, by shifting a few weights around and your goals realigned.

Remember to be a considerate mobile office operator.

Future Optional extras

LED headlights with the ability to be used as a projector for presentations, far more effective and impressive than those headrest screens.

Ejector seats .… this may be a Health and Safety issue, nevertheless, it would be a brilliant and uplifting feature.

Amphibian conversion to plan for rising sea waters.

Integrated solar panel sunroof and perhaps even photovoltaic paint.

Autopilot for your business, powered by Google Maps or an equivalent.


Finance, cash purchase, lease or rent, a particularly important decision.

Purchase New or Used.

Go for a low carbon option or a high-powered office.

Office Maintenance plan or self-funded at your own risk option. The Full maintenance plan, which will either be added as standard and can always be extended at an exorbitant price. Perhaps consider a Service plan, just be aware, these plans generate revenue for the car manufacturer, they would not be selling them if they did not …. make no mistake you are paying more than the expected cost of servicing or maintaining your car. They are a form of insurance or a hedge against fluctuating expenses or once off exceptional expenses, you are swapping the unknown for the known, that comes at a cost. On average the house (car manufacturer in this case) will always win …. in this case you need the bad luck of your office to break down in order to win.

Don’t need a permanent office, consider, a taxi or Uber for a short meeting or a car rental for a day to a week office break away session. Team training or team events, consider a bus. If you’re really struggling to keep on track, a train may be option, it’s even better for training.

You are clearly setup for remote working, however, also consider a Hybrid model .… it’s the best of both worlds.

Made up your mind, give a strong indication, either left or right.

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Random additional career advice, if you have read this far, is thrown in for free as Value Adding to this article ….

“Necessity Is The Mother Of Innovation” remains as true as ever and definitely always strive to “Build a better mousetrap” …. remember to Innovate and remain Agile …. make sure to include these buzzwords in presentations or performance reviews …. they get the Corporate world’s motor running.


South Africans, much like tyres …. operate best under pressure.

Never lose your sense of humour, it gives you the power …. to power through.

For your BCP needs or other innovative Finance solutions …. Contact Us.

#BCP #EnergyCrisis #Loadshedding #TheCrazyAccountant


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